California Academic & Research Libraries (CARL)


(revised May 1995)


Sec. 1. Dues for personal members of ACRL shall be $10.00 per year.

Sec. 2. Dues for members who are not members of ACRL shall be $15.00 per year.

Sec. 3. Dues for students and retired or unemployed librarians shall be $5.00 per year.

ARTICLE II. Membership, Appointive, and Elective Year.

Sec. 1. The membership, appointive and elective year shall be the calendar year.

ARTICLE III. Nominations and Elections

Sec. 1. Nominees. In the selection of nominees, every effort shall be made to ensure fair representation from different academic and research libraries.

Sec. 2. Right to vote. All members shall be eligible to vote.

Sec. 3..Elections. Ballots shall be mailed to all members. Results shall be tabulated by the Nominating and Elections Committee and the names of the successful candidates shall be published in the CARL Newsletter.

Sec. 4. Vacancies. The President, with the advice of the Executive Board, shall appoint a replacement for an elective office which becomes vacant within thirty days of the occurrence of the vacancy. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement. The appointee shall serve in the office until the next annual election.

ARTICLE IV. Operational Policies and Procedures

Sec. 1. Operational policies and procedures shall be established for all CARL officer and functions and shall become part of the CARL Administrative Manual.

Sec. 2. Operational policies and procedures shall include statements of responsibility, procedures, tasks and deadlines.

Sec. 3. Operational policies and procedures shall be updated annually by the appropriate officer and reviewed by the Executive Board.

ARTICLE V. Rules of Order.

Sec. 1. The rules contained in the latest version of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern in all cases where they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws.

ARTICLE VI. Amendments.

Sec. 1. The Bylaws may be revised or repealed, or new bylaws adopted by the affirmative vote of the majority of the members who respond to a vote by mail or attend any statewide meetings of the organization where such action has been announced at least one month previously.

Revised 1995.
