Science and Engineering Academic Librarians

a CARL Interest Group


Article I. Name.

Sec.1. The name of this organization shall be the Science and Engineering Academic Librarians (SEAL).

Article II. Affiliation.

Sec. 1. SEAL shall be an Interest Group of the California Academic and Research Libraries (CARL). SEAL shall follow the CARL Constitution and Bylaws.

Article III. Objectives.

Sec.1 The objectives of SEAL shall be to provide opportunities for professional development, education, and participation for its members; to sponsor relevant workshops and programs; to provide a forum for peer interaction and networking; to enhance communication and services to our library clientele; and to work with other California organizations in order to improve library service to the science and engineering academic and research community.

Article IV. Membership.

Sec. 1. All SEAL members must be members of CARL.

Sec. 2. Any person may become a member of SEAL by indicating each year on the CARL application form that SEAL membership is desired and paying the appropriate annual CARL dues.

Sec. 3. No additional dues shall be required for SEAL membership.

Article V. Sections.

Sec. 1. SEAL shall have a northern and southern Section, corresponding to the CARL Northern Region and Southern Region.

Sec. 2. The Sections shall be called SEAL North and SEAL South.

Article VI. Officers, Terms, Responsibilities.

Sec. 1. Officers shall be members of SEAL.

Sec. 1.1 The elected officers for each Section shall be President, Vice-President/President-Elect, and Secretary.

Sec. 1.2. The appointed officer for each Section shall be the Membership Chair. This Officer is appointed by a majority vote of the incoming elected officers.

Sec. 2. Terms of Office. Each officer shall serve for one calendar year, commencing January 1. The Vice- President/President-Elect shall serve as President of the Section in the second year following election. There shall be no limit to the number of terms an officer may serve.

Sec. 3. Vacancies. In the event that a Section presidency becomes vacant during a term, the Vice-President/President-Elect shall become President for the remainder of the term and for the succeeding calendar year. Other vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining officers of the Section.

Sec. 4. President. The President of each Section shall: a) call elections by the Executive Board to fill vacancies in the Board; b) appoint committees for special projects; c) convene and chair meetings of the Executive Board; d) serve as liaison between each Section and CARL; e) oversee all Section activities.

Sec. 5. Vice-President/President-Elect. The Vice- President/President-Elect of each Section shall: a) act for the President in his/her absence; b) serve as Program Committee Chair; and c) perform other duties as required.

Sec. 6. Secretary. The Secretary of each Section shall: a) take and distribute minutes of Executive Board meetings; b) establish and maintain an archive of Section activities; and c) perform other duties as required.

Sec. 7. Membership Chair. The Membership Chair of each Section shall: a) promote new memberships; b) recruit members for committees; and c) coordinate membership activities with the CARL Membership Chair.
Sec. 8. Program Committee Chair. The Vice- President/President-Elect shall serve as the Program Committee Chair for each Section and shall: a) coordinate planning and production of programs for the year in accordance with CARL guidelines for programs; b) appoint SEAL members to the Program Committee; and c) convene meetings of the Program Committee.

Sec. 9. Other committee chairs and project coordinators may be appointed by the Executive Boards.

Article VII. Executive Board.

Sec. 1. There shall be separate Executive Boards for SEAL North and SEAL South.

Sec. 2. The voting members of each Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers, President, Vice- President/President-Elect, and Secretary.

Sec. 3. Each Section's appointed officer, the Membership Chair, shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Boards. Other, non-voting, members of the Executive Boards may be established by the officers of each Section based on relevant needs. These non-voting members shall all be members of SEAL.

Sec. 4. Meetings.The Executive Board of each Section shall meet at least twice yearly.

Article VIII. Nominations and Elections

Sec. 1. Elected Officers. The Vice-President/President-Elect and the Secretary shall be elected each year by each Section.

Sec. 2. Nominating Committee.

Sec. 2.1. The Executive Board shall act as a Nominating Committee or the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of SEAL members.

Sec. 2.2. Elections. Elections shall be annually in the Fall. If there is only one candidate for each office, the Executive Board shall elect the Officers by acclamation. If there is more than one candidate for an office, the Section Secretary shall send out an email ballot to the membership. All SEAL members in good standing may vote. A plurality vote elects.

Article IX. Programs.

Sec. 1. Each Section shall sponsor at least one regional program each year.

Article X. Operating Policies and Procedures.

Sec. 1. Operating policies and procedures shall be established for the SEAL officers, Executive Board, and committees in each Section and shall be compiled into a manual for each Section's officers, Executive Board, and committees.

Sec. 2. Operating policies and procedures shall include statements of responsibility, procedures, tasks, and deadlines.

Sec. 3. Operating policies and procedures for each office, Executive Board, and committee shall be updated as needed.

Article XI. Amendments.

Sec. 1. Any member may suggest bylaws amendment(s) to the Executive Board of either SEAL North or SEAL South. If a majority of the members of both Executive Boards agree, amendments shall be submitted to a vote of the membership to be decided by a majority of votes
