California Clearinghouse on Library Instruction-South

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

September 8, 1999
JFK Memorial Library, CSU Los Angeles

Present: Nancy Getty, Judy Lee, Chris Maestas, Linda McCann, Teresa Omidsalar, Caroline Russom, Vicki Williamson

1. Introductions
Introductions and welcome to new officers.

After introductions Nancy Getty, outgoing chair, welcomed the new officers:

2. Minutes of April 16, 1999 meeting.

After a few minor changes were made, the minutes of the April 16 meeting were approved.



3. Announcements

CCLI-South will not have an Open House this January 2000 because it would come so close after the joint CARLDIG/CCLI Program which is scheduled for December 3 at CSU Fullerton.

UCSD: The undergraduate library is closed and under renovation. It is scheduled to be reopened in Fall Quarter 2000. A contest to name the library is underway.

UCR: Judy Lee and Nancy Getty are preparing to teach a four-part component to a two-unit course titled, Step-by-Step to College Success. They are developing lessons using coursewear and Web-in-a-Box.

CSUN: All undergraduates must go through an information competence lecture series. The CSUN library might use CSU San Luis Obispo's website on information competency as a test.

USC: Doheny Library will be closing for approximately one year for seismic retrofitting. During this time the Leavey Library will be offering instruction for basic courses.


4. Treasurer's report

The balance as of Sept. 4, 1999 is $3088.79.

The income from the Spring Program was $830 and the total costs were $1646.07.

The costs were expected to be high because of the transportation and housing costs for the speaker.

5. Debriefing on Spring Program

Vicki went over the results of the evaluation forms collected at the program. The great majority thought the program was outstanding. There were suggestions for future programs. Vicki led a discussion on topics for future programs.


6. CARLDIG/CCLI Joint Program business

Teresa described the progress on the program. The group came up with suggested registration costs, date to send electronic flyers, registration deadline, and program schedule. Teresa will send out a separate email with all of the program details to CCLI and CARLDIG Officers.


7. Discussion of CARL's invitation to CCLI to affiliate

Nancy and Vicki reported on a CARL board meeting they attended at UC Irvine on August 24. The group discussed the pros and cons of joining CARL as an interest group. Nancy will put a summary describing CARL's invitation on the CCLI Listserv and ask for comments. Nancy suggested that CCLI-South and CCLI-North members try to meet during the CARL conference to discuss this issue further. Vicki will try to make arrangements for an informal meeting during the CARL conference.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for:
Friday, November 5, 1999
10:30 - 1:00 pm
Pollak Library, CSU Fullerton

Respectfully submitted, Teresa Portilla Omidsalar
Outgoing CCLI - South Secretary