California Clearinghouse on Library Instruction-South

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 7, 2000
CLICS: Center for Library & Instructional Computing, UCSD

Amy Butros (UCSD Biomedical Library)
Judy Downie (CSU-San Marcos,
Nancy Getty (UC-Riverside)
Chad Kahl (CSU-LA)
Judy Lee (UC-Riverside)
Sarah McDaniel (USC)
Duffy Tweedy (UCSD CLICS)
Jeff Williams (UCSD Biomedical Library)
Victoria Williamson (UCSD)

1. Petition to become a CARL interest group:
On 9/6/2000, the CARL board voted to make CCLI-South an interest group as of 1/1/2001. We will be allowed to pay honoraria to non-librarians and out-of-state librarians, as long as our programs are self-supporting. We will have until 1/1/2002 to spend the money currently in our treasury. To retain membership after the transition our members will pay annual CARL (currently $20 for ACRL members, $30 for non-ACRL members, $10 for library school students or retirees) and join our (as yet unnamed) interest group. Many of our members are already members of CARL. Sarah McDaniel will send our contact and membership lists to Ron Rodriguez of CARL so he can make sure anyone not currently on the CARL roster will receive membership information. A copy of the petition will be placed on file with the minutes.

We should publicize the new interest group at the CARL Conference 10/5/00-10/7/00. Nancy Getty and Judy Lee will look into putting together a bookmark or brochure for the conference. This flier will announce a contest to choose a name for the group: the prize will be one yearŐs membership to CARL, and the deadline for submissions will be Wednesday, November 1. The final selection will be performed by the CARL officers at our next meeting. The results will be announced in the CARL newsletter: the deadline for submission to newsletter editor Ruth Wallach is 11/15/00. The group will be placed on the forthcoming CARL membership renewal form.


2. Treasurer's report:

A copy of the treasurer's report was given to Sarah McDaniel to file with the minutes. We have over $3,000 in our treasury. Chad Kahl's term as treasurer will end 1/1/2002, as the money must be spent by that date.


3. Transition to new officers:

Transition to new officers: Judy Lee (President), Gale Burrow (President Elect), Sarah McDaniel (Secretary), Chad Kahl (Treasurer)

4. Program planning:

A. Winter Program: CCLI-South has traditionally held an open house at the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies in early January. The format is 3-4 mini-programs, each offered twice. This program has been well attended, so we will plan an open house this year. Possible dates are 1/5 or 1/8, depending on the UCLA Quarter schedule. The program should be during break to make parking easier. Keri Botello is our contact at UCLA. CSU Fullerton is a possible alternate site due to its affiliation with the San Jose State Library School. All should work to think of program ideas and speakers. Proposed ideas were:

B. Spring Program: traditionally a speaker is invited for a program in April-June. Some possible ideas are standards, teaching as performance (good program at ALA), learning styles/teaching styles, problem-based learning, teaching methods.

5. CCLI-South calendar through January 2000:

Wed. 11/1 Deadline for submissions for naming new interest group
Fri. 11/3 Meeting at Claremont or UCR, decision on new name
Fri. 12/1 Meeting, location TBA
Fri. 1/5 Tentative Open House at UCLA. Business meeting in afternoon.


6. Library tours:

The meeting was followed by a reception and tours of CLICS, a new library and computing facility at UC San Diego.

Sarah McDaniel, Secretary