SCIL Meeting Minutes

Friday, February 20, 2004 - 10:00 a.m.

John F. Kennedy Memorial Library, Room B530

California State University, Los Angeles



Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), April Cunningham (National University), Katy Farrell (UC San Diego), Nancy Getty (Glendale Community College), Lynn Lampert (CSU Northridge), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long Beach), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Dorothy Potter (Pasadena City College), Melanie Remy (USC), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Duffy Tweedy (UC San Diego), Chisa Uyeki (CSU Los Angeles), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands), and Emily Woolery (Mt. SAC).

  1. Welcome and Introductions

  2. Agenda Approval/Adjustment

    Agenda approved without adjustment.

  3. Minutes

    Minutes for the December 12, 2003 meeting were approved electronically and posted to the website.

  4. Continuing Business
      1. Report on the Open House
      2. 83 people attended the open house (75 registrants & 8 presenters). The open house made $257.84 for CARL. Deb Moore passed around a summary of the evaluations. 57 of the 75 registrants submitted an evaluation. The evaluations were extremely positive and the sessions were well received. Deb compiled both statistical information as well as all comments. Deb sent thank you letters to the presenters and will send a summary of the evaluation for each presentation to the presenter. Deb handed out the input from the Rename the Open House Contest. It was agreed that the Open House will be renamed SCIL Works. Deb will contact the contest winner, Linda Heichman (CSU Fullerton). All presentations will be posted to the SCIL website and a summary will be sent to the CARL newsletter.

      3. California Immersion
      4. 47 applications have been received. The deadline has been extended to Friday February 27. Debbi Renfrow will send another round of publicity. The board has been asked to spread the word. The big selling point being that the Immersion is in California which means reduce costs. There may also be grants available for this type of professional development opportunity. Nancy Getty passed around the list of potential sponsors cleared by ACRL. People were asked who they could help with contacting and to add any additional potential sponsors with which they have good relationships. Nancy also presented a sample sponsorship letter and form that can be used to facilitate this process. Nancy will ask ACRL if there is any chance to approach local big name sponsors after they do not wish to sponsor the ACRL national immersion but might be interested in sponsoring a local immersion. Deb Moore had a meeting with Susan Barnes Whyte. Deb passed around the Immersion schedule she received from ACRL. There were several schedule changes from what SCIL was told. Some changes SCIL may be able to accommodate and some it will not be able to accommodate. It will take some time to address these details. Duffy Tweedy announced that the website design has been finalized. The board suggested some change on buttons and wording. Duffy will make these changes. Gale Burrow will work on local information. Nancy Getty will work on sponsorship information.

      5. CARL Pre-Conference

        The CARL Pre-conference planning group will meet after the board meeting. Food for this event has been confirmed.


  5. New Business
      1. Meeting Dates
      2. Friday March 26 10:30am CSU San Marcos

        Friday April 30 10:30am CSU Fullerton

      3. CARL Regional Meeting

        Judy Lee gave an update on SCIL activities at the CARL Regional Meeting.

  6. Round Robin

    There was no round robin discussion.

  7. Adjournment

The next meeting will be on Friday, March 26th at CSU, San Marcos.


Recorded by Amy Wallace