SCIL Meeting Minutes

June 30, 2004
Libraries of The Claremont Colleges

Claremont, CA




Eric Berlin (SJSU SLIS), Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), April Cunningham (National University), Connie Costantino, Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Dorothy Potter (Pasadena City College), Melanie Remy (USC), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands), and Emily Woolery (Mt. SAC).



I.        Walking Tour of Facilities

The group took a walking tour of Claremont McKenna College and the Honnold/Mudd Library.  Both locations will be used for the Institute for Information Literacy California Immersion.


II.       Welcome and Introductions

The group welcomed Eric Berlin.  He is a student at the San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science.


III.       Agenda Approval/Adjustment

         Approved without adjustment.


IV.      Minutes

Minutes were approved electronically and are up on the website.


V.       Continuing Business: 2004 California Regional Immersion


Budget Update

Deb Moore handed out an updated budget and a list of what is still needed for Immersion.  All participants have paid and the deadline has passed for refunds.  We still need $2000. in order to cover costs.  Deb Moore has talked to Ron Rodriguez at CARL.  He will ask the CARL Board if the organization could contribute the needed money.  Ron Rodriguez confirmed that CARL has paid all insurance costs.  The Claremont University Center, Claremont McKenna College, and Gale Burrow all have a copy of the insurance certificate.  Gale Burrow will mail the Òadditional night in the dormÓ money to Lynn Lampert.  Deb Moore will get needed drinks.  Dorothy Potter, Deb Moore, and Gale Burrow will bring ice chests and ice to house the drinks.


Fundraising Update

Duffy has put up a sponsorship page on the website.  Gale Burrow got an ok from ALA about contacting particular ALA sponsors that members of the group know might have an interest in sponsorship.  Connie Costantino will contact ALA about a few other that were mentioned at the meeting.  Connie Costantino will forward all sponsor names to Amy Wallace so she can create thank you table tents for the breaks and events. 


Website Content

Gale Burrow is just finishing up local arrangement information for the website.  Check out the website and let Gale Burrow or Duffy Tweedy know if you think anything is missing.


Program Registrar Report

Lynn Lampert was unable to make the meeting.  She will send out a report via email.


Event Planning

Amy Wallace is working with the artist for the opening reception to make sure he has what he needs.  Emily Woolery has finalized the food with the caterers and WolfÕs Market.  We will be able to add things, like vegan options, up to 48 hours in advance.  We will continue to explore vegan options.


Onsite Registration

An onsite registration table will be set up in the lobby of the dorm on Thursday from 2:00 -5:00 pm.  Rosemary will be on site after 10:00am.  If you would like to help you can show up at the dorm any time after 10:00am.  Rosemary McGill will be at the Syllabus Conference Wednesday but will be back ready to sign in Immersion participants on Thursday morning.  Rosemary will create and post signs directing participants from the parking area to the check in table in the dorm.    The tables already in the lobby will be used.  There will be three tables: two tables staffed by SCIL who will hand out Binders, Information Packets, Registration Packets, copy cards, and parking passes and one table staffed by a Claremont McKenna College representative who will hand out a dorm card and key.   Amy Wallace and Gale Burrow will provide tours of the campus and library at 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, and 4:00.  The tours will be about a half hour.  After 5:00pm the registration will be moved to the library.


Check out will be 10:00am – 2:00pm on Tuesday in the lobby of the dorm.  Participants will need to return the copy card, room card, and room key.


Local Information Packet

Now have a detailed list of what will go into the information packets.  Please email Debbi Renfrow if you think something is missing.  Gale Burrow is going to contact The Claremont Colleges bookstore and see if they would be interested in giving Immersion participants a 10% discount.  Debbi Renfrow designed informational bookmarks for the folder.  The book mark was passed out to the group.  Please email Debbi Renfrow any comments you have on the bookmark.



Deb Moore passed all participant flight information to Dorothy Potter.  Dorothy will look at the information and come up with a transportation plan.


Schedule Update

Deb Moore and Gale Burrow are still working with ACRL to finalize the schedule.  Once the schedule is finalized it will be posted to the web site.


Faculty Gift

Deb Moore will put together the faculty gift.  She will create a basket of what the faculty might need for their stay plus some snacks. 



Gale Burrow will have a camera to take pictures during the event.  Deb Moore will send out VIP invites to the opening reception.  We need to make sure everyone has a name tagÉparticipants, helpers, and VIPs.



IV.         New Business



No discussion.  Angelynn was unable to make it to the meeting.


VI.      Round Robin

Amy Wallace attended the American Association of College and University Greater Expectations conference.  Her institution sent a 10 member team.  She was the only librarian at the institute despite the fact information literacy was brought up several times as well as other institution wide concerns that would be of interest to librarians.  For more information on the institute see


VII.     Adjournment

The next meeting will be Friday September 10 at USC.  Melanie Remy will send out directions. 



Recorded by Amy Wallace