SCIL Meeting Minutes


June 2, 2006

Occidental College

Los Angeles, CA





Angela Boyd, Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Allie Carr (UCSD), April Cunningham (Saddleback College), Katy Farrell (UCSD), Sheree Fu (UCLA), Nancy Getty (Glendale College), Maryann Hight (Soka University), Nikki Julian, Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Lisa Lee, Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long Beach), Deb Moore (Glendale College), Val Ontell (Mesa College), Melanie Remy (USC), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Jeanine Scaramozzino, Marsha Schnirring (Occidental College), Kerry Spears, Dominique Turnbow (UCLA), Duffy Tweedy (UCSD), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands)



I.          Welcome and Introductions


II.         Agenda Approval/Adjustment


III.        Minutes


April minutes were approved electronically and Duffy Tweedy posted them to the website.


IV.        Announcements


            A.         New SCIL Website

Kimberly Wilcox and Duffy Tweedy are responsible for the new SCIL website design.  Many thanks.


B.         Spring Program Materials


The powerpoint presentation that Jeff Liles used for the Spring Program on May 19th is now posted on the SCIL website.


V.         Continuing Business


A.         CARL 2006 SCIL/CCLI Pre-conference Debriefing

Amy Wallace compiled the evaluations from the pre-conference attendees.  The response was overwhelmingly positive with many attendees indicating that they would have liked even more time to discuss these important issues.


The materials from the pre-conference are available on the CARL website.


B.         Spring Program Planning Debriefing

Debbi Renfrow announced that all of the materials from the Spring Program, including the handouts provided in attendees' folders and photos of the day will be posted on the SCIL website.  The Spring Program was a great success and attendees responded positively on the evaluations.  One suggestion that SCIL may consider for the future is possibly videotaping the program.  71 people attended the program, covering all costs.


            C.         LOEX 2007 Planning


i.                Report from LOEX 2006
Amy Wallace, Tracey Mayfield, Debbi Renfrow, and Deb Moore attended LOEX 06 in College Park, MD.  They reported on meeting with the LOEX 06 coordinators as well as Teresa Valko.  A report from LOEX 06 coordinators will be arriving within the month. 
According to LOEX, future planning may lead to an increase in the number of attendees admitted to the conference in coming years.  SCIL may decide to slightly increase the registration numbers for LOEX 07 if hotel meeting space permits.  Duffy Tweedy will contact The Bahia regarding this possibility.

ii.               Keynote Speakers
Amy Wallace has been in contact with possible keynote speaker, Pat Wolfe, who is considering her speaker fee in light of the small, nonprofit nature of LOEX and SCIL.  Amy is expecting a reply from her soon.  Tracey Mayfield suggested an educator from the San Diego Zoo as a speaker for the Friday night dinner.  Duffy Tweedy will contact the Bahia regarding any restrictions they have on allowing animals in the banquet hall as part of this speaker's presentation.

iii.              Call for Proposals
Amy Wallace will develop a web form for accepting proposals.  The proposals will be limited to 500 words.  Her suggested deadlines are: Proposals received by Nov. 10, Accepted Presenters notified by Jan. 12.  Registration for LOEX is the 1st week of February and is set by LOEX.
After discussion lead by Amy, SCIL decided to accept proposals for discussion sessions as well as breakout sessions.  Guidelines will be drawn up for both breakout and discussion sessions so that presenters know that they will be responsible for structuring sessions.  No more than one discussion session will be accepted for each of the tracks.  All other presentations will be breakout sessions. 
The tracks that Amy proposes are: Campus, Community, Tech/Innovation, and Informed Improvement.  Those submitting proposals will be required to state which track they think their presentation fits.
Amy suggests having volunteers split into small groups, with each group reading and ranking 25-50% of the total proposals grouped according to their tracks.  One or two people will then compile those rankings and make final decisions.
Based on Amy's observation of the high number of conference attendee spots committed to presenters at LOEX 06, SCIL discussed limiting the number of presenters proposed for each presentation to 2 and thereby limiting the number of people who are guaranteed registration.


D.         SCIL Fall Elections

According to the new bylaws, SCIL elections are held in the fall.  Melanie Remy designed a template to assist nominees in formatting their applications.

E.         SCIL Works 07

SCIL Works 07 will take place in January or February.  Planning will begin in the fall.  It is likely that the program will consist of 3 presentations as well as a poster session.  The call for proposals will likely come in late September.

F.         Next SCIL Meeting Date and Location

For the Sep. 15 meeting, Claremont and CSULB were offered as sites.  When the site is determined, it will be posted on the SCIL website.

For the Oct. 27 meeting, Saddleback College and CSULB were offered as sites.

For the Dec. 8 meeting, CSULB was offered as a site.

G.        SCIL Discussion Time

Starting in September, SCIL meetings will begin 30 minutes earlier in order to accommodate 30-45 minutes of discussion among members in attendance.  At the September meeting, Gale Burrows will lead the discussion about how we have applied what we learned at the Spring Program.  Future discussion topics will be selected by the volunteer discussion leader.

VI.        Round Robin


VII.       Adjournment



Minutes recorded by April Cunningham.