SCIL Meeting Minutes


September 15, 2006

CSU Long Beach

Long Beach, CA





Leslie Andersen (CSU Long Beach), Angela Boyd (UC Santa Barbara), Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Allie Carr (CSU San Marcos), April Cunningham (Saddleback College), Lesley Farmer (CSU Long Beach), Katy Farrell French (Palomar College), Nancy Getty (Glendale College), Catherine Haras (CSU Los Angeles), Maryann Hight (Soka University), Robin Lockerby (National University), Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long Beach), Deb Moore (Glendale College), Val Ontell (Mesa College), Donald Page (Cal Poly Pomona), Billy Pashaie (East Los Angeles College), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Stacy Russo (CSU Fullerton), Elisa Slater (Loyola Marymount University), Sheryl Stahl (Hebrew Union College), Dominique Turnbow (UC San Diego), Duffy Tweedy (UC San Diego), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands), Kimberly Wilcox (Azusa Pacific University), Carol Womack (Santa Monica College)



I.          Welcome and Introductions


II.         Agenda Approval/Adjustment


III.        Minutes


June minutes were approved electronically and Duffy Tweedy posted them to the website.


IV.        Announcements


V.         Continuing Business


A.         SCIL Works 07

i.          SCIL Works 07 is scheduled for Feb. 2, 2007 at Cal Poly Pomona.  The

welcome will start at 9:00am and the program will run from 9:30am to 1:30pm.


ii.          The call for proposals for SCIL Works 07 was distributed to the SCIL steering committee for review.  Contact Debbi Renfrow with any suggestions for changes.  The call for proposals will be distributed publicly beginning on Sept 25 and the deadline for proposal submissions is Oct 20.  Three presentations will be selected and posters will also be accepted.  Katy Farrell French has the evaluation matrix that was used by proposal reviewers last year and this will be used in the upcoming selection process.  Poster session guidelines are the same as the ones used last year and are already posted on the SCIL website.  Debbi Renfrow accepted volunteers to read presentation proposals and she will contact readers when the review process begins.
People selected for the presentations and the poster session will receive complementary admission to SCIL Works 07.


B.         SCIL Fall 06 Elections

Deb Moore proposes a schedule for elections that closely follows the schedule used in 2005.  The nominations committee was established and it is:  Tracey Mayfield, Catherine Haras, and Carol Womack.  The form for nominee statements was reviewed by the committee and comments/suggestions can be sent to Deb Moore.  Dominique Turnbow will send an announcement to the SCIL listserv to solicit nominations and to remind people that nominees and voters must be current SCIL members.


            C.         LOEX 2007 Planning


i.                Call for proposals and proposal selection
The call for proposals is now live on the LOEX 2007 website, thanks to Allie Carr.  Amy Wallace has been fielding inquiries from people considering submitting proposals or posters.  Proposal reviewers will be selected from volunteers for the LOEX programming   There will be 4 groups (one for each track) with 5 readers in each.  One leader will be selected from each group and the 4 leaders will meet to negotiate final decisions.  LOEX 06 received 90 proposals and this may guide how many proposals the LOEX 07 readers can expect.
Dominique Turnbow created a publication plan based on the current and foreseeable needs defined by Tracey Mayfield, Amy Wallace, and Duffy Tweedy.  She has posted announcements of the proposal process to listservs, but she is accepting suggestions for additional appropriate listservs.  The registration date will be set by LOEX and we can publicize the date once it is set.  LOEX takes care of publicizing the conference itself. 

ii.               Keynote Speakers
Amy Wallace has confirmation for one keynote speaker. 
Regarding the Zoo educator:  the Bahia has no prohibitions against a presentation that would include zoo animals.  The schedule of animals is to be determined and the presentation is currently scheduled for Friday night.

iii.              Volunteer list
Amy Wallace, Tracey Mayfield, and Duffy Tweedy are scheduled to meet following the SCIL business meeting to continue organizing volunteer lists.  Each will then begin contacting the volunteers she or he plans to work with.

iv.             Maximum number of attendees and budget considerations

The budget has been finalized and we have a limit of 280 attendees.  This total includes presenters and all LOEX representatives.

v.              LOEX 2006 Report

Amy Wallace has a PDF copy of the LOEX 2006 Report.  Email her if you would like to have a copy.

vi.             Minority scholarship
Tracey Mayfield will gather the necessary information regarding plans for the Minority Scholarship.


D.         Confirm Future SCIL Meeting Dates & Locations

October 27, 2006 10am Discussion and 10:30am Meeting at Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, CA.
December 8, 2006 10:30am Meeting at CSU San Marcos, San Marcos, CA.


VI.        New Business

A.         Review SCIL Steering & LOEX list servs

Katy Farrell French delineated the listservs being administrated by SCIL.  The

SCIL steering committee listserv is for those who attend meetings regularly.  The LOEX listserv is for the SCIL Officers and the LOEX planning group.  Katy Farrell French will send updates for the SCIL Steering listserv to Duffy Tweedy for additions or corrections.

B.         Possible SCIL-DIAL Collaboration
A representative from DIAL was planning to attend the meeting but had to



VII.       Round Robin

VIII.      Adjournment



Minutes recorded by April Cunningham.